Success Stories – Would You Watch Out For My Safety? Safety Speaker John Drebinger
The attached photo shows the work that our crews were doing on our facility. John had come to our organization and did his presentation on “Would You Watch Out For My Safety”.
The work in the photo was done prior to John’s presentation. John’s presentation had a dynamic affect on our employees – or at least one. This employee sent the photo to a number of individuals explaining the violations in the photo and the fact that he did not speak up and “Watch Out For The Individuals Safety”. Which he said “Will Never Happen Again.”
I work in polymer Research and Development at the ExxonMobil Chemical Company in Baytown, TX. My business group, which has roughly 70 employees, has sub-teams within the Group Safety Team. I am the “leader” of my group, and recently ordered each member a copy of your latest book, Would You Watch Out For My Safety, for us to read and discuss personal applications. We’re really enjoying this little, “Book of the Month” exercise.
Ironically… this past weekend, I was traveling 70mph down a country, two-lane, Texas highway in a compact car with my wife and son when, low and behold, we came upon a stray cow grazing right next to the road! The story in your book IMMEDIATELY came to mind as I pulled onto the shoulder and turned on the car’s emergency signals. While my wife began searching for the phone number to the local Sheriff’s Department, I walked toward the stray in order to put myself between it and the road to keep it from entering the highway. When the cow saw me approaching, it began walking back toward the barbed-wire fence and, as I got closer, the cow found the familiar gap and jumped back through to the “safety” of the pasture.
Within minutes, the cattle/land owner just happened to arrive and saw my car on the shoulder and me standing at the gate. I gave her details of what had just happened and showed her the gap in the fence and that, although there was a strand of electrified wire in place, cattle feeding through the fence showed it to be inactive. The owner was very grateful that I had taken the time and effort to keep the cow off of the highway and said she would move the herd to a different pasture until she could get the fence repaired.
When we got back on the road, I amusingly shared with my wife and son the “cow story” (and several others) from your book. We could only imagine what kind of damage and injuries that would occur if our small, compact car were to hit such a large animal. We wondered aloud at how long that cow had been grazing near the road and how many travellers had seen the animal but continued on. Even though we were in a hurry to get my son home in time for his Senior Prom, we were thankful (and kind of proud) that we had noticed the stray cow and had taken the time to resolve a potentially fatal hazard.
I just wanted to share that coincidental story with you, John, and let you know that your book HAS made an impact on me, my family, and the unknown others who might not have been so “lucky” as you and I.
Keep up the great work!
I thought of you and your lecture last week. On my way into the parking lot, I noticed smoke or steam coming from the hood of a SUV. Part of me said, it is just steam from a hot vehicle and part of me said what if it is not just steam. By the time I parked my car – your speech was echoing in my head and I called 911. Response was quick, they broke the window and opened the hood. There was a fire under the hood and damage to the vehicle was contained to a small area. The surrounding cars were spared as well.
Thanks for doing what you do and reminding us to be diligent.
Does a safety speaker and a book make a real difference? You bet! Check back and find out how many more people have benefited from John’s presentation and book.
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