John Drebinger, CSP
Opening Questions:
How many of you want to have speaking as a part or as your entire career?
How many of you have ever given a speech for a fee?
How many of you have ever given a speech for free?
How often do you speak?
What is your topic?
What is the name of your presentation?
How many times a year do you give your presentation in front of a live audience?
How often do you post a useful article on LinkedIn?
Do you have a LinkedIn account?
How often do you tweet?
How often do you post on FaceBook, Google+, Instagram?
How often do you contact someone about having you speak to their organization, company or group?
There are several types of speakers
- Amateur or Public Speaker – Speaks for the joy of speaking. No fee, may enter speech contests etc.
- Evangelistic or Missionary Speaker – Has a topic, message or cause that they want to promote to as many people as they can reach. Is even willing to spend money to get in front of an audience. Their message may be life changing and wonderful but it is not something people will pay to hear or pay for their employees to hear. (Example: The speaker who helps people find their bliss.)
- Professional Speaker – Someone who has something so valuable to say that someone is willing to spend money to hear or have others hear their message.
How Do You Become Great?
By speaking to audiences you will improve what you do.
The most important activity for you to do is to be in front of an audience speaking.
The Power of Speaking Often Is:
- You get better
- You get feedback
- You get offers
What Skills Do You Need To Build As A Professional Speaker?
Topic Development
Story Telling
Creating new content
Marketing – calling people, tweeting, posting, writing, developing relationships, providing value.
Things you can do:
- Call service clubs such as Rotary, Kiwanis, or other organizations that need programs but have no budget for speakers. (You get practice selling. If you can’t sell a free speech it is unlikely you will be able to sell a speech for money.)
- Video record your presentations to create demo videos.
- Create social media platform.
- Build your website, YouTube Etc.
Free Speeches vs. Paid Speeches (Beginning Your Career)
- Free speeches are a good place to test new material.
- Do free speeches when you have approached them. Charge a fee when they approach you.
- Free Speeches beget more free speeches.
General Tips:
- Stay connected to the pros in the business of speaking.
- Stay connected to the association.
- Ask professionals specific questions. (One at a time.)
- Do what they tell you to do.
- Take responsibility for follow-up
- Ask more than once, twice, or more before you give up. Some people want to see if you’re serious.
- Set Specific Outcomes
Content – What is most important?
- Your passion for your topic.
- Marketplace desire or need.
Over the past 25 years I have met many enthusiastic speakers who never got a speaking career off the ground.
Books, Do I Need One?
You need to know why you want to write a book. What are you going to do with it? How are you going to use it?
Business Card?
You retain, control and profits.
Speaking Style
Experience as many great speakers as possible.
Study their skills and their style.
Use or model their style and skills with your own content.
Price, Never get paid more than you are worth.
What will the market bear?
What is your competition charging?
Below a certain price some clients won’t or can’t hire you.
Provide Value
As with most transactions the person purchasing your presentation must believe they are getting more value from you than you are charging them. Most businesses want a decent return on investment. They are not willing to pay 100 Euro to make or safe 100 Euro. They want to spend 100 Euro and make or save much more.
When ever a company or organization hires you, they are taking a risk that your presentation will yield results greater than the investment of your fee and their employees time.
Real Investment of Hiring a Professional Speaker
Speaker’s fee
Speaker’s expenses
Meeting room expenses
Employee wages and possible overtime.
Organizers wages and wages for the their team
Other miscellaneous costs of a meeting.
There are many viewpoints on price
Know Your Market
Own Your Market
Defend Your Market
Benefits vs. Features
What are you solving for them, and what is that worth?
Passion and Professional Speaking
Your passion is essential but your passion is not enough.
Their passion is the key to successful professional speaking.
Have fun sharing your message with the world.
Yours in Service,
John Drebinger
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