Safety Training Expert John Drebinger’s Dynamic Presentations Institute
How Many Lives Could You Protect… How Many Dollars Could You Save… If You Knew the Secrets of Motivation that Get Results?
Dear Safety Colleague,
Does it drive you nuts that you are forced by governmental regulations to hold safety meetings and yet they don’t seem to make a difference? Have you ever wondered why the recent lost time injury cost you thousands of dollars – and yet your safety team had just spent hours teaching employees about that very situation? What went wrong?
You don’t want to see anyone hurt, your safety team doesn’t want to see anyone hurt and your employees don’t want to get hurt. You wish you had the presentation skills to effectively reach your audience.
Yet the injuries just keep happening…
Injuries that impact lives, families, and your bottom line. In spite of some of the most state-of-the-art safety equipment created in history, some of the most technologically-advanced protective devices – all of which, you’ve been willing to invest in to protect your people – the injuries go on.
As a leader in your company, I bet you experience pain every time someone is hurt. Sometimes, it’s worse, because you know the injury was avoidable, preventable, and even predictable. Hours and hours of safety training, and you still see employees doing what they know they shouldn’t…bypassing policies and procedures that you’ve spent thousands of dollars to develop. You see them failing to use safety equipment you’ve spent thousands of dollars to buy.
How many times when reading an accident investigation is it clear the injured person knew better? You know it is information you covered in one of your safety talks. You ask yourself, “What is wrong? We have safety meetings. We enforce the safety rules. What will it take for people to get the message and actually work safely?”
What it takes is motivation. Now you can learn from the top expert in result getting safety presentations.
Here’s what I mean. You have a seat belt in your car. Knowing how to use it doesn’t do anything to protect you when a drunk driver crosses the double yellow line. The action of wearing the seat belt is what saves you. Ultimately, people who wear seat belts believe they could be injured and believe that a collision is possible – so they have the motivation to do what it takes to protect themselves when things go wrong.
How many injuries could you prevent if you knew the secret to getting people to work safely? Imagine your safety performance if the people teaching safety at your company knew how to consistently motivate employees to work safely.
The real cause…
It’s not your fault. It’s not your safety team’s fault. They just haven’t been trained in the skills of motivation. They’ve spent time learning what causes injuries and what can prevent them. But what they haven’t learned is how to motivate people to do the actions to protect themselves!
In the field of safety it doesn’t matter what someone knows that will protect them, it is what they do! What separates those who know and those who do is motivation. Somehow those that do figured out the motivation. What they haven’t been taught is how to motivate other people to take the desired action. What if you and your safety team could learn the secrets of communicating safety in a way that would get employees to want to work safely?
Now you can…
One of the top motivational safety speakers in the country, John Drebinger, is sharing his secrets for creating effective motivational safety meetings. For three days in October, people who are responsible for the safety of employees will learn the skills of motivation – and how to develop new and effective safety presentations that will get employees to take action and work safely.
Motivation isn’t accomplished by threatening someone with termination. Motivation is the skill of communicating in such a way that causes people to want to take action.
John will share with you the motivational secrets he has developed and the ones other great motivators have shared with him over the years.
Call Sandie Gilbert 209-747-2770 for more information or to arrange an institute for your safety team.
The single biggest mistake safety presenters make is to assume that if you give people information they will act upon it. The secret to getting the results you want is motivation. Without it, you have a workforce that knows the safe way to do something, but they aren’t taking the extra effort to “do” it safely. It’s unfortunate but true…if you are just giving out safety information – you’re really not making an impact.
This special program from John will show you how to present the safety information in your company in a fun, fast-paced and motivational way. In a way that your people really “get it” – and act upon it!
John is asked several times a year by safety professionals, “What can I do to make people follow the rules? My company will not terminate anyone just for violating a safety procedure.” This approach is a result of limited thinking. This person doesn’t understand the power of motivational communication. You will find it much more rewarding to motivate someone to take action rather than threatening them. Just knowing the right way to do something is not enough. People must know the why, and the why must be compelling enough to cause action to take place. People only take action when they are motivated.
Motivation isn’t boring…it’s exciting.
If your people are complaining about boring safety meetings – they aren’t being motivated. They are being turned off to safety. Think about it. If someone is going to a meeting they think is going to be boring, that is what they’re going to see. Human nature is to seek out evidence to back up beliefs. This is important to realize because a “good” safety meeting isn’t enough to overcome this negative belief. It takes a great safety meeting to transform people’s beliefs and motivate them to rethink their actions when it comes to safety.
People are dying for passionate motivational safety meetings!
When people aren’t motivated they don’t take action and it is just a matter of time before they are one of the people who are unnecessarily injured. Especially in need of motivation are those workers not faced with life-threatening hazards. They are the ones who don’t see the need for safety and then hurt their back by lifting improperly and as a result, their life as they knew it, is over. No, they aren’t dead, but as you know, many injuries result in pain that oftentimes just won’t go away. People who have injured their back may deal with the consequences for the rest of their life.
If you’re really motivating people, you are:
- Motivating management to invest more time and resources in safety;
- Seeing improved safety performance;
- Seen as a resource for solving problems;
- Constantly thinking of new ways to illustrate a safety concept in a fun way;
- Hearing people tell you they are going to use that great idea at their next safety meeting;
- Having people look forward to your next safety meeting;
- Hearing from people that they changed their way of doing something because of you;
- Appreciated by the employees as a friend who can help them;
- Touching the lives of your employees and their families; and,
- Getting compliments from people about your safety meetings.
The good news is motivation is a skill you can learn!
John conducts the Dynamic Presentations Institute as a public seminar only once every few years. In addition he holds private customized institutes for clients based upon their needs. If you want an institute held for your company please call Sandie Gilbert at 209-747-2770 to schedule your dates. The private seminar can be done in a two day version if time is limited.
If you would like to attend as an individual when he holds his next institute please call Sandie Gilbert at 209-747-2770 so she can notify you of the next dates.
When you decide to participate – it will be the most profitable, lucrative and powerful training you have ever experienced. Ever.
In fact, John is guaranteeing that the information you learn will enable you to improve your safety meetings. And when he says “guarantee,” he means exactly that. If it’s not – you won’t pay a dime. More about that later. First, let me warn you…
This training is intense – it’s very expensive – and it’s not for everybody.
During the content-packed, compelling days you will:
- Receive personal coaching by John so you can achieve your safety solutions;
- Generate creative ideas in small group sessions;
- Learn how to get input from ALL employees;
- Discover how to develop imagination in yourself and others;
- Learn to use skits to illustrate safety principles;
- Find the secret to getting audience participation from even your shyest employees;
- Learn some of John’s magic tricks that you’ve seen him do for years;
- Play the all-new, Improvisational “Stump John Game”;
- Discover the reason many people nod off during a presentation and how to prevent it; and,
- Experience as an audience member all the techniques that make safety meetings dynamic and effective.
You will leave with:
- A workbook filled with John’s latest innovations:
- Techniques to give input to others that makes it easy for them;
- A method to improve the Behavioral Observation process and culture;
- Techniques that will allow you to put spontaneity into your presentations to increase audience alertness and retention;
- A bank of ideas to draw from;
- Tips on how to use visual aids like PowerPoint along with their pitfalls and advantages;
- The ability to change beliefs to cause acceptance of new ideas, policies and procedures;
- The art of storytelling – where to get them, how to develop them, how to tell them, how they teach;
- The knowledge of exactly how much content and entertainment must be in any presentation to make it effective;
- A method that allows experienced employees to teach new employees the basics and specifics of safety;
- The ability to use questioning techniques to motivate people to action;
- Secrets of how to make any subject interesting;
- The knowledge of how to use everyday workplace items to cause employees to think about safety;
- Your own Bag of Tricks and all the props you need to do them, plus a video of the magic instructions for you to practice with at home so you’ll look like a pro;
- The secret of how to write safety slogans that will help communicate your safety message; and,
- Methods to determine which Safety Signage is effective and why some are actually counter-productive.
Your mind will be assaulted with so much…you’ll leave bursting with information. You’ll leave excited and anxious for your next safety meeting, knowing these ideas will motivate your people to work safely.
You may be one of the thousands of safety professionals who have been to one of John’s live sessions on communication skills held at VPPPA’s conference or ASSE’s PDC, or NSC’s Congress. Let me assure you this is a new approach and the latest in creative techniques John has ever developed.
This Institute will give you hands on experience in developing these ideas. John will select several subjects and participants to do a “hot seat”. During these sessions you will see how you can create your own new ideas and solutions as John works with people to develop ideas live on stage.
You will spend time during the workshop setting out a plan of action to use what you have learned. This will help you put these new techniques and ideas to work right away to ensure that your employees will benefit from your motivation techniques immediately.
Imagine the combined creativity of safety professionals being coached and led by one of the top experts in making safety interesting. Your employees can’t afford to have you miss out on the numerous ideas for motivating them that will come out of this incredible event!
One note of warning…
We begin our day 8:30 am sharp. We will pack more into a day than you can imagine! Plan to arrive the evening before and leave the morning after so you don’t miss a thing. Please DON’T book a flight out early or you’ll miss a lot.
Discover the Secrets to Some of John’s Magic…
How many times have you seen one of John’s presentations wishing you had some real Magic Tricks up your sleeve? Join John in October and each day he will teach tricks you can perform easily that will knock the socks off your audiences. As a special gift for each participant you will receive a kit of magic tricks. This custom set of tricks will provide you with the instructions and all the props necessary. These tricks are easy to do but you’ll look like you’ve spent years learning them.
Most magicians won’t give away their secrets but John is willing to unlock the secrets of magic so you can keep people involved in your safety presentation and save lives with the information you teach.
Added Value…
You will go home with a massive binder. This binder is filled with all the work-along sheets. The material we will cover has cost tens of thousands of dollars to develop and years of experience to discover. You’ll take it home with you, so you’ll be able to go back and study a particular section anytime. It will also help you organize and implement the things you want to do once you leave.
Be warned, however…
Leave A LOT of extra room in your suitcase, or bring an extra one. Not only will you go home with the massive program binder, in it you will put all the creative ideas you and your fellow attendees develop during these exciting days. Again, the value to you of these things is priceless.
Help to implement everything once you get back home…
You’re going to be assaulted with more motivational techniques and information in three days than you’ve probably received in the last ten years. There is simply no way you’ll be able to process all of it.
NCR paper will be used during the creativity sessions. This will allow us to share all the great ideas you and your fellow attendees come up with.
What’s the investment?
You were told this would be expensive. And by most seminar standards it is. But the truth is, no seminar has ever given the degree of value that this program will. When you think of what your company saves if this information prevents only one injury in relation to value – this program is a bargain basement giveaway! The cost is only US $1,297 per person. And that price includes lunch, the handouts, the Magic Kit, and all the take home materials. Special offer only $997 for additional attendees from the same company.
How Can You Attend for FREE? For Previous Graduates
If you have attended John’s Dynamic Presentations Institute before, and a lot of you have, you won’t believe this! You can attend this Institute for free! Yes, FREE! All you need to do is bring a paying attendee with you and you get to attend on the house. When you get to attend for Free, we will ask you to bring your Magic Kit (we’ll give you a new binder). We look forward to seeing you again.
Bring your key people…
Many companies will want to send more than one person to the Institute and for them, we have a special reduced price. Any additional attendees from the same company may attend for only $997. Even better, it comes with a…
Twice-Protected, No-Risk, Money Back Guarantee:
Here’s the deal. If you think you’re ready for this kind of lifesaving safety motivation training – call Sandie at 209-747-2770 and send in a $997 deposit, so we know you’re committed to making a difference in the lives of your employees.
If you see how you can make a real difference in people’s lives by motivating them to work safely – return the registration documents and confirm your place.
But you still have one more protection…
Come to the Institute and experience all of day one, and up to the lunch break on day two. If you’re not satisfied FOR ANY REASON – inform the staff you’re leaving and we’ll immediately refund any monies you’ve paid. No hard feelings. Really. You and you alone are the judge. There’s no conditions to meet, or any such nonsense. If you don’t see how what John is sharing is going to improve your safety performance, he doesn’t want your money. It’s really that simple. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
This is guaranteed to be the best safety seminar you have ever attended, so do whatever you can to attend. This way you’ll get your questions answered, and make those network connections that will be a new resource of future safety solutions.
If you are attending this program – please leave your car keys, cell phones, and beepers at home or locked in your hotel room. Come well-rested and devoid of distractions. If you’re not prepared to do this, consider the Home Study Program instead.
No previous Safety Seminar or Institute has ever offered so much potential to improve your motivational skills. Even better, you’ll be able to get your message out with the credibility it deserves and create the impact you are seeking. That’s all I have to tell you about this fascinating program other than to tell you it will be better than any John has ever done.
When you combine what you know about the content of safety with the motivational techniques John will teach you – the value to your company, you and your employees is incalculable. I do hope you’ll be participating.
Sandie Gilbert
Institute Director – John Drebinger Presentations
P.S. A program this intense is certainly not for everyone. But if it is for you, remember that there are limited spaces. As you know, when John has spoken at national meetings the room always fills and people are turned away. Once the spots are gone, they’re gone. I’m sure you understand.
John Drebinger
Call John’s Office Today
(209) 327-4752
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