Safety Speaker Written Resources For Safety Leaders and Teams
As a safety speaker I spend most of my career reading and listening to various experts in the field of safety. There are some amazing articles available and some which can be easily used by safety team members to share safety with employees. This page will be a compilation of articles and other resources I can personally recommend to you. As the links on this page go to internet pages I do not control it is possible on occasion for them to fail. If they do I would appreciate it if you sent me a quick email to so I can fix it.
Safety Off The Job
Safety Speaker Resources – Summer Water Safety Tip
This article is a combination of resources. It begins with an article I posted for safety teams to use to remind people of the importance of safety off the job. As a safety speaker I believe it is important for people to focus on safety 24 hours a day. In this case it was the beginning of summer and I wanted people to be aware of the dangers that come along with enjoying the water whether it’s a pool, spa, lake, ocean, river or other waterfront area.
The second portion of the article is a response I received from a fellow safety professional regarding the loss of his 3 year old grandson.
Safe Swim Defense
As a safety speaker I learned much about safety from my years as a Boy Scout, Boy Scout, Summer Camp Staff Member and finally Camp Director for two amazing scout camps. One of the biggest concerns at any camp is water safety. For many years the Boy Scouts of America have used a system which when followed has an amazing success record. If you would like to see it in its entirety check out: Safe Swim Defense